Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good news in my e-mail.

Yesterday when I came back home from work I checked my e-mail and I found a message with this picture:

JC, the happy owner of a lopapeysa that has travelled from one pole to the other.

Yea! JC, my friend in Buenos Aires, Argentina, already got his lopapeysa!!! It arrived much sooner than I expected!!

It is amazing to see him wearing it and think that this pullover has travelled more that 11,000km! And it is even more amazing to see how good he looks! It fits him so well! (well, except for the arms that are little bit too long). He said that it came just in the perfect moment. It has been pretty cold in Buenos Aires lately so, according to him, we will wear it ALL winter!

I was a little worried about the size... I have this problem with sizes that I have mentioned before but it seems that I am finally starting to get it right... well... after having made already 16 lopapeysur I guess that I have gotten enough practice to get things right : )

I am very, very, very happy and not only because the pullover is ok but also, and especially, because my friend is happy.

Lupines: During summer they are EVERYWHERE (This is just on my way home). They make even the most cloudy summer days (which are very often here) feel good!


  1. ohh que bueno que ya le llego el jersey!!! le queda muy bien!! y creelo...está haciendo fresquito por estos lares!!!

    acabo de buscar el significado de "takk"..jeje y bueh como suponía es "gracias"!...en fin cada día se aprende algo nuevo dicen ^^

    Un besote


  2. Peysan er rosalega flott og smell passar á hann. Sjalið (í faerslunni á undann þessari) er alveg geggjað! Og ég sé að ég verð að fá mér svona víra.

  3. El jersey es precioso. Eres un artista!!!!!!

  4. he'll pull out the a your friend
    all those pretty flowers

  5. ¡Muy linda foto! El sweater le queda a la perfección. Sin duda no se lo quitará en todo el invierno, más por estos dias que hay una ola de frío polar en todo el país.
    Me alegra que los dos allán quedado contentos. Y yo también, ya que aprendí a decir "Gracias" en otro idioma (también me picó el bicho de la curiosidad cuando ví el cartel)

  6. precioso , ohhhhh y mira de un lado a otro
    perfecto !!!

  7. I'm almost afraid to do a comment. I told you about losing one due to windows jumping around and closing, reopening, etc. Not sure what the problem was, but got it straightened out. A couple of days later I tried again and had a good portion of it done and a horrific thunderstorm hit! Wind, rain, lightening right outside the window with instant thunder after. Only a matter of minutes everything went dark and we were without power. I was on the desktop, so once again lost everything! Wonder if someone's trying to tell me something. I am now travelling and am holed up alone in a hotel with the laptop, so thought I'd at least say hello. It was a long day of driving and have another ahead of me, so will be turning out the lights soon (of my own volition!). I will be gone 7-10 days, helping my sister(and husband) move to their 225 acres in the hills of Missouri. It truly is a beautiful setting, up on the top of a large hill and bluffs around, but quite isolated - NOT for me! I can appreciate the beauty of it, but...There is no internet and phone service is very sporadic. So, I will try to do catch-up when I return-and recover! I will say I really like the lopapeysa. The colors are perfect and I don't think the sleeves are too long. I like them that length because it keeps the wrist and upper portion of the hand warm. That's a good thing! Yes, he does look happy - due to a very special friend! Hope you are having some nice days. Good night.;-/

  8. Rodrigo, que trabajo tan precioso!!!!! el regalado se ve feliz y no es para menos, yo tambien lo estaría con un sweter tejido con tanto esmero, además le quedó perfecto, totalmente exactos los calculos, nunca dejas de sorprendernos con tus trabajod.
    Que tengas una exelente semana.

  9. Exelente trabajo Rodrigo, enhorabuena :)

  10. La lopapeysa es preciosa, pero tu amigo... Que bonito es! Tan sexy!!! Está disponible? Woof!
    (Soy yo :P)
    Además de haberte agradecido varias veces, de lo lindos que son los colores, de lo perfecto que me calza, etc... quería destacar algo que me asombra: es SUPER liviano. Cuando llegó el paquete de Pósturinn pensé que estaba vacío!
    Bueno gracias una vez más y hace varios días que apenas me lo saco para dormir!!!
