Even the hard cover of the book is BEAUTIFUL! |
This book is a compilation of patterns found in 17th to 19th century icelandic manuscripts. There are actually ten sjónabók manuscripts that have been preserved. The book contains all the patterns found in those manuscripts which have been redrawn digitally. It is a source of ideas with strong ties to Icelandic national heritage.
The book has 783 pages FULL of wonderful patterns that can be used for knitting, embroidery, cross stitch or whatever comes to your mind : ) It also comes with a CD!
The book is a little bit pricey but it is worth every crown (króna). It is just WONDERFUL and the best of all... Gummi LOVED it!!
These are a few pages so you can see what I am talking about:
All the pages are arranged like this: to the left there are diagrams and to the right the drawings with color of the diagrams. |
Some patterns could make beautiful wallpapers! |
The Aeolian shawl is growing and growing. I have already started with the edge which is the main part of the whole shawl. At first I had decided to make the narrow edge version but finally I changed my mind and I am going for the full size version. I think it is going to look very, very good. I am very curious to see how it turns out!
The whole process of knitting this shawl has been pretty smooth. Except for a couple of SILLY mistakes I have made that have made me frog a couple of long eternal rows. The instructions are quite clear except for the set-up edge section which is made out of four charts:
- Right edge chart.
- Edge set-up chart.
- Center edge chart.
-Left edge chart.
The construction is as simple as:
* Knit the 2 or 3 stitched of the garter stitch tab.
* Begin with the right edge chart.
* Continue with the edge set-up chart repeating it as many times as necessary to get to the center stitch.
* Make the center edge chart once (between the stitch markers that are before and after the central stitch).
* Knit the edge set-up chart again as many times as necessary to get to the end of the row.
* Knit the right edge chart.
* Knit the 2 or 3 stitched of the garter stitch tab.
There IS something strange in the way this section is written in the pattern (at least I found it weird)... so I had to make up my own little instruction to get it right.
Today we were just at home, chilling out and Jóhann Birnir asked me, out of the blue, to teach him how to make bobbin lace. He is twelve years old and loves, loves, loooves handcrafts (and sports!). He is a great knitter himself! Now, how could I possibly say no?! IMPOSSIBLE!
So, we started by loading the bobbins with some yellow, rather thick thread of linen. The first lesson: how to make a half stitch torchon ground. It was amazing how quicky he picked it up!! And how even the ground ended up! He made just a little piece because even though the thread looks really good it was kind of difficult to keep in the bobbins... somehow the knot that keeps the thread from running off the bobbins kept on running making it a little difficult to keep the bobbins in order. Anyways... Jóhann made a beautiful little first work!
I am so proud!!
![]() |
This colors look so nice together! Don't you think? |
The whole process of knitting this shawl has been pretty smooth. Except for a couple of SILLY mistakes I have made that have made me frog a couple of long eternal rows. The instructions are quite clear except for the set-up edge section which is made out of four charts:
- Right edge chart.
- Edge set-up chart.
- Center edge chart.
-Left edge chart.
The construction is as simple as:
* Knit the 2 or 3 stitched of the garter stitch tab.
* Begin with the right edge chart.
* Continue with the edge set-up chart repeating it as many times as necessary to get to the center stitch.
* Make the center edge chart once (between the stitch markers that are before and after the central stitch).
* Knit the edge set-up chart again as many times as necessary to get to the end of the row.
* Knit the right edge chart.
* Knit the 2 or 3 stitched of the garter stitch tab.
There IS something strange in the way this section is written in the pattern (at least I found it weird)... so I had to make up my own little instruction to get it right.
Today we were just at home, chilling out and Jóhann Birnir asked me, out of the blue, to teach him how to make bobbin lace. He is twelve years old and loves, loves, loooves handcrafts (and sports!). He is a great knitter himself! Now, how could I possibly say no?! IMPOSSIBLE!
![]() |
Very concentrated. |
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Looking so PRO! |
Even and perfectly done! |
I am so proud!!
jeje hola!! como estas??siempre leo atenta tus post para no perderme detalle ^^...primero me he quedado :O con el libro y sus patrones.-..quebueno que esten todos reunidos en ese libro no?seguro es un buen regalo!!
ReplyDeleteSegundo el chal es demasiado bonito...y el hilo impresionante...muy chulos los colores!!seguro te queda precioso!!
Y despues Jóhann...guau me he quedado helada tambien!!!...o tu enseñas muy bien o él realmente tiene mucha maña...felicitalo de mi parte!!su primer intento en encaje de bolillos le ha quedado perfecto!!
En fin un besote grande!!
Hola Lau!
ReplyDeleteGracias por pasar por mi blog :)
El libro es una MARAVILLA. De verdad un lujo. Una de las tantas cosas que me encantan sobre Islandia es la tremenda tradición textil que tienen. Es una cosa increíble.
Jóhann es un nino maravilla! Le encantan las manualidades y aprende todo MUY rápido! Teje gorros hasta con fair isle!
Estoy babeando de orgullo :p
Besines grandes!
What a book! Whew - how can one possibly get through it in a reasonable length of time and then remember where the diagram is you want to use?! You should have provided with the book a huge supply of sticky-note tabs to mark the desired pages. I really like the ones in the next to last photo. I was wondering if the ones shown under "Mynd I, Image I" could be used for bobbin lace, using the dot patterns. Or maybe that's the intent for those? It truly is a magnificent book. I had to laugh at you giving it to him before his birthday. I'm terrible that way and so is my son. :-) And don't give me a gift and expect me to wait to open it till the appointed date, either. Won't happen!!
ReplyDeleteYes, the colors of that yarn are gorgeous and do come together beautifully. Knowing the history of your work, I'm positive it will be a magnificent shawl! Glad you could understand those instructions enough to simplify them for ease of knitting. Think I would have frogged the whole thing and moved on, but I'm not as patient as you when it comes to knitting - obviously. :-(
How wonderful that you so enthusiastically agreed to teach Johann (sorry, I don't know how to put that little "thingy" above the o)bobbin lace! :-) I can tell from the intent expression on his face that he was concentrating and trying to do his best. Nice that you already had the knowledge of his love of handcrafts and success at knitting. Pretty amazing at his age. I loved seeing him sitting at your bobbin stool/cushion and how nicely it fits in front of someone. And the end result - WoW! It's beautiful in its perfectness and you can tell by the stiff, straight, sticking up ends it wasn't the easiest thread to work with. Better watch out. He is going to give you a run for your money and may surpass you in expertise in bobbin lace if you're not careful! :-)
I understand that proud feeling when someone does well at somthing we've taught them. Our 7yr old granddaughter was with us all last week and this was the promised time to teach her how to sew on a sewing machine. She had done several hand sewing projects previously, so I decided a doll-size patchwork quilt would be the project. She did wonderfully using a rotary cutter,and then laying out the pieces in rows. I saw that same intense expression on her face as she sewed them altogether (eventually with minimum supervision) and then pressed seams open. Her expression when seeing the finished project was priceless. Yup, we do have those proud feelings, don't we! :-)
Wondering: What do the quotes written on your wall say?
Þessi bók er svo mikið æði - mig hefur svo lengi dreymt um að eignast hana. Geggjuð alveg hreint og glæsileg gjöf fyrir Gumma!
ReplyDeleteMikið líst mér vel á sjalið hjá þér - litirnir í því eru ákaflega fallegir og gott var að fá smá úskýringu á síðasta chartinum - er að byrja á agave í annað sinn einsog er... þetta verður HUGE sjal hjá mér held ég.
Gaman að Jóhann hafi svona mikinn áhuga á handavinnu og mjög fallegt hjá honum þetta fyrsta stykki! Ætlar að hann að halda áfram með þetta?
Judi: I thought exactly the same when I got it! Fortunetely we have lots of sticky notes at home... we began to mark our favorites (but they are too many!) We are actually looking for the pattern for our winter 2011-2012 lopapeysas! hehe.
ReplyDeleteI am known for being a little bit impatient, even though I always say that I was much more impatient when I was living in Santiago. Iceland makes you somehow become more patient. I don't know why. And when it comes to gifts I can NEVER wait! I like to give them right away!
I was also very surprised that Jóhann asked me to teach him bobbin lace! He was so excited to begin. When he asked me to give him a little lesson I was knitting and needed to finish what I was making so I had to make him wait a little bit... in the meantime he was asking me every two minutes if I was done to begin teaching him! Sweet, isn't it?!
He is absolutely brilliant in handcrafts. He had a class in school called Textiles in which kids are tought to knit, crochet, embroider and sew. He as been the only kid on the whole school who has gotten a 10 in that class!
About the quotes. We wrote them ourselves on the wall. They were taken from an ancient icelandic poem called Hávamál that is in a Saga called Egilssaga. It is written in old icelandic language but it can be perfectly read and understood. We wrote three, but only two can be seen in the picture.
Deyr fé Live stock dies
deyja frændur relatives die
deyr sjálfur ið sama. you die yourself
En orðstír But the reputation
deyr aldregi never dies
hveim er sér góðan getur. of those who had a good one.
Vin sínum
skal maður vinur vera You should be friend to your friends
og gjalda gjöf við gjöf. and give back to the ones who give you.
Hlátur við hlátri Laugh with them
skyli höldar taka protect them
en lausung við lygi. and ignore lies.
Ungur var eg fordum, I was once young,
fór eg einn saman. I was alone.
Þá varð ég villur vega. Then I lost my ways.
Auðigur þóttumst,
er eg annan fann. I felt enriched when I found others.
Maður er manns gaman. People is people's happiness.
Wow, this was difficult to translate. I hope it makes sense!
Kristín: Þessi bók er algjörlega æðisleg!! Þú verður að reyna að fá hana! (sem Jólagjöf kannski? hehe).
Það var svolítið flokkið að skilja leiðbendingar til að prjóna kantinn. Ég vona að útskyringin sem ég skrifaði sé aðeins skýrari.
Talandi um Jóhann... hann var nákvæmlega núna að segja við mig: Mannstu hvað þú lofaðir í gær!?. Hehe, ég lofaði honum um að kenna honum meira í dag! Mikið er hann spenntur yfir að læra meira og meira!
Hlakka til að sjá þig bráðum!
ReplyDeletebon anniversaire a Gummi
y este peque , ya veras aqui se dice
"l'éléve qui dépasse le maître "
hay de que estar orgulloso !!!
@ bientôt
What a fantistic book! I want one for my birthday too! I think I'll have to go to Iceland to get one of those.
ReplyDeleteHola, hola, el libro en verdad es una joya, felicidades, sobre el chal, preciosos los colores, luego te voy a molestar con unas instrucciones, para uno sencillo, pero que sean en español, ya que al traducirlas del ingles, la terminologia del traductor, no es clara y luego no lo entiendo, y por ultimo mis repetos para Johann, ya que he querido hacer bolillo, pero en estos lugares no se acostumbra, y no hay nadie que me enseñe, muchos saludos, y un abrazo de oso cariñoso, bye. atte. Jorge Chan (de esta forma es la unica en que me permite dejar comentario)
ReplyDeletenice book with lots of reasons
ReplyDeleteyour shawl'll be very beautiful and very nice wool
Your aprentas already made wonders
El libro es un primor. Veo los dibujos y ya me entran ganas de hacerlos.
ReplyDeleteLo de tu alumno es genial.
Un truquito: Para que no se suelten los bolillos, dale no uno, sino dos o tres nudos.
wow ¡¡el libro!! vaya maravilla!...yo tampoco me habría aguantado a dárselo! :P es un regalo precioso.
ReplyDeleteel chal: increíble! la combinación de colores es muy bonita! va a quedar perfecto (¿¿acaso tienes dudas??! por que yo no! ;D)
y muchísimas felicidades por ese alumno tan lindo!! y tan inteligente!! ^-^
un beso!
El libro es una maravilla, y te lo digo yo, que soy bibliotecaria. No se ven muchos libros como esos, esos patrones se pueden usar para muchos tipos de manualidades como bien dices, espero que tu amigo le sque provecho.
ReplyDeleteMe gusta el chal y veo que trabajas con las circulares de knit pro, son fantásticas, yo no las he soltado desde que me las compré, todo un lujo. Por cierto, los colores del chal son impresionantes, originales y llamativos, pero aún así no le quitan protagonismo a la puntada. Estás haciendo un gran trabajo.
Me encanta que los niños también quieran aprender a tejer y a hacer manualidades, que no es solo cosa de chicas...además parece que Johann tiene talento, tienes suerte de tenerlo de alumno. Un beso grande!!!
Bókin er geggjuð! Langi mig í svo mikið! Litirnir í sjalinu eru rosalega spennandi, verður gamn að sjá myndir af því fullprjónuðu og bera þau saman!
ReplyDeleteCuantas maravillas tuyas y ajenas deleitan mis ojos y mi mente! Asombrada como siempre!
Rodrigo, te felicito, vaya reliquias de tejidos que han actualizado para los amantes del tejido, se ven precioso los patrones o mosaicos, me los imagino en un tejido, y creo que algún día lograre verlos en tus tejidos... te felicito por tu alumno, el darles un arma nueva para su entretención, es maravilloso y lo alejas así, de todos los vicios que actualmente aprenden nuestros niños y jóvenes, se ve que le a gustado lo que le haz enseñado, por mi parte te felicito, aunque yo en mi vida había visto esta hermosa forma de hacer tejidos...
ReplyDeleteTu Shawl se parece mucho a uno que yo quiero hacer, y no he podido por que no encuentro, la lana que deseo para él, se llama Haruni, y es tan precioso, si me enamoré de él desde que lo vi... Solo espero ver el tuyo terminado pronto y si que bellos colores trae tu madeja de lana, te felicito...
te dejo toda mi admiración y felicitaciones, amigo...
un abrazo a la distancia...
Los colores de ese estambre quedan muy bien, es curioso como a veces las combinaciones más extrañas son las que mejor quedan no? algún día (cómo en un sabático o algo así) me gustaría poder estudiar/jugar más con colores.
ReplyDeleteTe felicito por tu alumno! Jóhann se ve muy metido en su muestra y le quedó muy bien, sobre todo considerando que fue su primer encaje!
Alex: Gracias por tu visita! Veremos qué pasa con mi alumno, jeje. Ayer estuvimos haciendo un poco más de bolillos pero el nene se anduvo frustrando un poquino. Cosas que pasan, jeje.
ReplyDeleteToritot: The book is a jewel :) I know it is possible to buy it online but it is a bit more expensive. Are you planning to come to Iceland? :)
Jorge: Qué chal piensas tejer? Si necesitas ayuda ya sabes... no dudes en preguntarme :) Respecto a los bolillos... a mí nadie me está ensenando. Para empezar con lo básico basta un buen libro y muchas ganas de aprender! :)
Bea: Thanks! My "student" is brilliant! :)
Alacelover: Muchas gracias por pasar por mi blog y más gracias aún por compartir truquito bolillero conmigo... esas son las cosas que nunca se encuentran en los libros, jeje.
Romi: Ya me queda muy poquito para terminar el chal! Ya tengo ganas de verlo bloqueado. Mi alumno... sí, es muy mono... y ves que está con su camiseta de la selección de fútbol espanola? es fanático de Torres, jeje.
Tejedoracompulsiva: Las agujas knitpro son lo mejor! De verdad un lujo que vale cada centavo invertido. Jóhann es muy talentoso y no sólo haciendo manualidades sino que también haciendo deportes!
Jóhanna: Sjalið er alver að verða búið! Sex umferðir í viðbot og búið! Vííí! Bókin er geggjuð! Ég er búinn að velja um munstur til að prjóna næsta lopapeysu en ég þarf ennþá að hugsa um litina :þ Ertu að hugsa um að koma til Íslands? Það væri svo gaman að hittast!
Rosalía: El libro... como comentaste en Ravelry... es de verdad para perderse por horas mirando los diferentes patrones y son MUCHOS!
Mariana: Gracias por tu visita y comentario :) Haruni es uno de los chales que más me ha gustado tejer. Es precioso! Y nada de complicado. Qué lana o colores tienes en mente para tejerlo? Tengo la impresión de que en Santiago no hay muchas tiendas de lanas buenas. De hecho lo único que se me viene la mente es Rosas que es más bien un paraíso lleno de acrílico, no? Has pensando en comprar por internet? Un beso grande, grande.
Martha: Qué bueno verte por aquí también! Nos andamos encontrando por todos lados, eh? jeje. Es curioso lo que pasa con los colores. Supongo que es un tema de atreverse y probar nada más. Lo peor que puede pasar es que no resulte y quede feo, jeje. Saludines!
Me ha encantado tu blog, además, no esperaba ver cosas tan especiales hechas con agujas de punto. A mí me encanta hacer cosas para bebés... Tus primeros pasos en el encaje están perfectos y puedes contar conmigo para lo que quieras y necesites, tanto bolillos, picados...así como páginas interesantes de sumministradores de libros y material. Un abrazo.
ReplyDeleteHola Rod, me encantó tu blog y ese chal está de maravillas, podrías pasarme algún link de donde sacar los gráficos? Hace poco hice el Haruni y en principio me parecía super complicado, pero al avanzar en las vueltas, se iba haciendo cada vez más fácil. Gracias!
ReplyDeleteHola Viviana :þ
ReplyDeleteGracias por pasar por mi blog.
Este chal se llama Aeolian y el patrón es gratis.
Lo puedes encontrar aquí:
Si tienes alguna duda, no dudes en preguntarme :)
Hey Rod,
ReplyDeleteI'm just now reading through some of your posts and playing catch up. You are a prolific blogger, I must say. Very impressive.
Johann's bobbin lace work is fantastic. You must be an awesome teacher, but I suspect he is a great student, as well. :-)
So, I have a question regarding the "Ornaments & Patterns found in Iceland" book. As you may recall, I purchased whilst in Reykjavik, but when I tried to load the CD onto to my Mac, it says that there is an error on the disc.
Have you experienced this? If not, do you know who I might contact to report the defective disc? I don't see any contact information (email, snail mail, etc.) inside the book.
Thanks in advance!